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In all 50 states, there are vaccine exemption waivers available for those who medically cannot receive vaccinations.

In Michigan, there are also Religious and Philosophical exemption waivers for those who object vaccinations due to strongly held spiritual beliefs or for personal reasons.

In December of 2014, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules approved a new rule requiring parents who object vaccinations for Religious or Philosophical reasons to receive a state form from their local health departments. This new rule also requires the use of a nonmedical waiver form dated January 1, 2019.

This new rule is a direct violation of a parent's constitutional rights.
Per Michigan law, we do not have to submit a state form or attend an educational meeting. All that is required is a written statement submitted to a child's school or daycare.

See our Michigan Vaccine Law page for the full legislature.

Medical Contraindication Exemption
State Waiver Form
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State of Michigan

Medical Form

To be filled out by a Physician.

Philosophical/Religious Exemption
State Waiver Form
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State of Michigan

Philosophical/Religious Sample Form

Obtained from your local Health Department.

Philosophical Exemption Waiver
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A written statement including legislature and statutes, may be notarized.

Courtesy of Michigan for Vaccine Choice.

Religious Exemption Waiver
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A written statement including biblical scriptures, may be notarized.

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